
Summer in Europe #1

Dear friends, Lucky me to spend 6 weeks in Europe from mid-June to early August, visiting friends in the UK, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Everywhere the weather was beautiful, the friends welcoming and the weeks passed so quickly in a whirl of delightful meetings, delicious dinners, gorgeous scenery and a few special treats [...]

2018-08-17T09:08:40+00:00August 17th, 2018|Art, Culture, Entertainment, Opera, photography, Travel, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summer in Europe #1

I’m not much of a cook, but …..

Dear friends, There is no doubt that the Thai kitchen is one of the world's most recognized and appreciated cuisines. Over the years living here in Chiang May, I have sent many visitors to cooking classes although have neglected to do one myself. However, this has been rectified as last weekend I had the opportunity [...]

2018-05-17T13:33:01+00:00May 17th, 2018|Creative, Cuisines, Culture, Non classifié(e), photography, Tidbits, Travel, Uncategorized|Comments Off on I’m not much of a cook, but …..

Madagascar #8 – Chama, Chama, chameleon … and more

Dear friends, I thought this would be my final blog, but realized that there is just to much to show from our last few wonderful days in Madagascar. After flying back from the south and our visits to Fort Dauphin and Berenty Private Reserve, we had an overnight stay in Antananarivo, and then set off [...]

2018-05-04T10:41:05+00:00May 4th, 2018|Animals, Culture, Design, Non classifié(e), photography, Tidbits, Travel, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Madagascar #8 – Chama, Chama, chameleon … and more

Madagascar #5 – Spiny forest, sifaka and spiders

Dear friends, Another day in Berenty Private Reserve with a visit to a small museum on the property to give us an idea of the diversity of the flora and fauna of this part of the country as well as information about the Malagasy people from this region.  We wandered in the morning waiting for [...]

2018-04-25T16:02:00+00:00April 25th, 2018|Animals, Culture, Design, photography, Tidbits, Travel, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Madagascar #5 – Spiny forest, sifaka and spiders

Madagascar #4 – Landscapes, livelihoods and lemurs

Dear friends, After the two National Parks in the north, and another overnight stay in Antananarivo, we flew to the far south, landing in Port Dauphin after looking down on some lovely country, mountains, rivers and lagoons and a long coastline, the breakers white against the deep blue of the Indian Ocean. From Port Dauphin [...]

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