
Summer in Europe #1

Dear friends, Lucky me to spend 6 weeks in Europe from mid-June to early August, visiting friends in the UK, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Everywhere the weather was beautiful, the friends welcoming and the weeks passed so quickly in a whirl of delightful meetings, delicious dinners, gorgeous scenery and a few special treats [...]

2018-08-17T09:08:40+00:00August 17th, 2018|Art, Culture, Entertainment, Opera, photography, Travel, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summer in Europe #1

Oman #5 – A Fort, firearms and flowers

Dear friends, After the fascinating morning at the goat market I wrote about in the last blog, we also spent time in the wider market and then visited the Nizwa's Round Tower Fort. Later, we walked through a fascinating hillside village and then settled into a wonderful 'eco-luxe' hotel for the night called 'The View', [...]

Portugal #1 – Porto and Douro Valley

Greetings Everyone, I want to share with you some of the photos from my recent travel in Portugal, my first visit to the country. Portugal’s second largest city sits on the banks of the Douro River and was crucial in the country’s maritime expeditions of the 15th Century. Later, it became famous as the gateway [...]

2016-12-17T11:14:12+00:00October 3rd, 2016|Art, Culture, photography, Travel, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Portugal #1 – Porto and Douro Valley
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